Welcome to Atlanta's Own Insta-Pet: “Pet Products On-The-Go”



The dates for these upcoming events will be announced shortly upon availability confirmation

Book Signing (“Prince Patches by Mary LaCue (TBD)

Puppy Showers (TBD)

DogHouse Party (TBD)

Doggie Style Fashion Shows (TBD)


This is where you guys will add a Calendar (ie like an Outlook) which s capable of showing each month and the activities we have planned for that month. Besides all of the nationally recognized Holidays, we have also pinpointed some our own inhouse events.

New Year’s Day (January 1)

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday (January 15)

Super Bowl Sunday (February 11)

Valentine’s Day (February 14)

Remy’s Birthday (March 7)

Saint Patrick’s Day (March 17)

Easter (March 31)

Cinco De Mayo (May 5)

Memorial Day (May 27)

Juneteenth (June 19)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (September 2)

Halloween (Oct 31)

Thanksgiving Day (November 28)

Christmas (December 25)